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Astrum in homine  

What's your sign? - Your Ascendent? 
 Which are the dominant planets in your natal chart?
Which Archetypes emphasise the characteristics of your personality?
How does all this match with your partner?   Find it out and live better


Find it through your CRIPTOGRAMMA® 

 Find it through PROSOPOSCOPIA ® 

 Finally the test    

you will get discounts on:  

  • Interpersonal affinities between two or more people  (Synastry) 
  • Your personal  horoscope illustrated in detail  (Natal Report)
  • Detailed description of Medical horoscope  (Medical Essay)
  • How things will go from your birthday to the next one  (Solar Revolution)          

STUDI  R U & CONSULENZE Lomazzo and Montemezzo (CO) Italy -  (since 1986)